Friday 9 July 2010

For those of you who don't know (very likely, since I haven't written since my first post in 2008 or something like that!) I'm studying a BA at UCT at the moment. I'm majoring in English and Linguistics and I'm also doing German and Media studies as minors this year. I absolutely love Linguistics, and I sort of wish that there was some sort of way that I could go into that as a career... that is not likely, though, since the only careers in it are research careers. Besides, I have a bursary which requires that I teach English as soon as I'm done with my studying. It's a remarkable bursary, I must admit, and I'm extremely lucky to have qualified for it. It pays for all of my extra costs, as well as giving me a nice allowance every second month.

Anyway, so I'm on holiday at the moment. It's a lovely extended holiday, since it's the soccer world cup at the moment. A couple weeks ago I was invited by my uncle and aunt to join them in going to Pretoria the next day. We drove up via Springbok and Uppington, and then I stayed with some friends while I was up there. I had a great time with them, and also seeing the Torrs and my gran. And then I had the opportunity to visit my other aunt and uncle, and Aunty Judy took me to the temple, where I had a great experience. It was aw
esome being there again, but I realised while I was there how important it was that I get married there. And I realised that as long as I was going out with my boyfriend, I wouldn't be able to go with him, since he's not a member. So, today I broke up with him. It was very difficult, but it needed to be done... and after a little retail therapy I was feeling a little better :)

I've also recently dyed my hair brown. It was a little bit of a shock at first, but I now have really started to love it! This is me with my new brown hair. It is straightened, so it's not normally as tame as this lol...

Anyway, that's all I have to say for now... I'll try to be a little more regular with my posts in the future :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi lovely corageous woman...
    I rearranged my blog this morning and now will see more regularly when you post.
    I trust you have successfully completed your first year of many formal and informal tertiary educatiuon.
    Love you.


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