Tuesday 22 February 2011

Catch Up

Well, tomorrow is my dad's birthday... so HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!!! :) I hope you have a fantastic day! :)

Today I had ballroom... it was my third class. We have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and I love it! Seriously, it's so much fun :) I've always loved ballroom dancing, and this is with the university, which is much cheaper than anywhere else! (About R350 for the year). I have been meeting so many people, and having so much fun. It's great, because we're all just there to have fun.

Maths is going pretty well, although today's tut was pretty difficult. I think that my tut group ( we have to work in groups of 5 or 6 people) thought that I was a little rude though, because at first I was participating with the group, but then they were talking about who knows what, and I just wanted to get as much done as possible, so that I could have less to do at home... which meant that I was just working on my own, trying to get the exercise done. Sigh, I struggle with getting to know new people in that kind of setting, because they invariably want to chat while I just want to get everything done so that I can relax... Well, I guess it's just something that I have to work on!

English is pretty cool, although I was falling asleep in today's lecture - literally! I'm about half way through my first novel... well it's actually an autobiography, called "Down Second Avenue". I'm really enjoying it. I'll see how my seminars go though. I start my first one tomorrow! It's poetry, which is generally not my strength, but I'll see how it goes.

I already have two assignments for linguistics, although they are both due in mid-March. That's just as well, since I haven't even had a chance to look at them yet! It's still interesting though, and I enjoy it :)

Yesterday I started with singing lessons again, with JoMari Thorne. She's been my singing teacher since the end of grade 11. I love her! She's managed to bring my voice to life in a way that I never thought possible. She also leads the SACM Choir, of which I am a member. I really enjoy singing with them, which happens every Monday afternoon (an hour after my singing lesson) and then whenever we have concerts. Last year's recital was amazing! Ask my mom, we out-did ourselves! Seriously, we all had so much fun, and we managed to make a great name for ourselves (as well as earning a good little bit of money!).

Anyway, it's way past my bed-time! Goodnight all!


Tuesday 15 February 2011

Varsity 2011

Today was my second day of varsity... it was a little scary yesterday, because I didn't know what to expect. I started with maths this year, and most people fail the course I'm doing - not a pleasant thought, since I last did maths a year and a half ago! My lecturer is very nice though! She is a Bulgarian woman, with a thick accent, and a very kind countenance - very approachable, and very understanding. I really like her! ... Despite the fact that I don't know her name yet! Something beginning with "m". It's like playing eye spy, but without knowing the answer to your own question!

I was able to go and buy all of my textbooks for English yesterday. There are so many that I thought I would die in the Jammie on my way down to choir. The bag of books was so heavy, and I had my normal bag on my shoulder... and to top it all off, I had this humongous calculus book in my hand. But it's been a great experience so far!

My courses for this year are:
English - South African literature (first semester)
English - Romance to Realism (second semester)
Linguistics 2 A and B (first and second semesters)
Maths - MAM1000W - the widely acknowledged "most difficult course at UCT" (whole year)

You may think that this is very little for me to be doing in a whole year, but I assure you that it isn't!

  • First of all, I have a lot of work for maths, if I want to pass with a first (which I am determined to do with all of my courses this year! Last year I managed getting firsts for German and Linguistics, and lower seconds for Media and English... but no more of that! Firsts all around!)
  • I take singing lessons once a week with Jomari Thorne
  • I am a member of the South African College of Music (SACM) Choir
  • I've just started with the Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society at UCT, which meets every Tuesday and Thursday
  • I attend institute on Tuesday nights
  • I am the first counselor in the ward Primary presidency
  • I teach extra maths and extra accounting to a boy from another ward (and will probably teach maths to another girl from my ward soon, as well)
  • I started a vegetable garden for my dad's birthday, which I am determined to keep going
  • AND I have some sort of social life to keep healthy! :P
So as you can see, my life is pretty hectic... but I enjoy being busy! Anyway, I have another early morning tomorrow for my third day of varsity - as well as a maths test tomorrow evening! Eek!

So, good night my fair friends! I'll try to keep up with my blog :)
