Tuesday 15 February 2011

Varsity 2011

Today was my second day of varsity... it was a little scary yesterday, because I didn't know what to expect. I started with maths this year, and most people fail the course I'm doing - not a pleasant thought, since I last did maths a year and a half ago! My lecturer is very nice though! She is a Bulgarian woman, with a thick accent, and a very kind countenance - very approachable, and very understanding. I really like her! ... Despite the fact that I don't know her name yet! Something beginning with "m". It's like playing eye spy, but without knowing the answer to your own question!

I was able to go and buy all of my textbooks for English yesterday. There are so many that I thought I would die in the Jammie on my way down to choir. The bag of books was so heavy, and I had my normal bag on my shoulder... and to top it all off, I had this humongous calculus book in my hand. But it's been a great experience so far!

My courses for this year are:
English - South African literature (first semester)
English - Romance to Realism (second semester)
Linguistics 2 A and B (first and second semesters)
Maths - MAM1000W - the widely acknowledged "most difficult course at UCT" (whole year)

You may think that this is very little for me to be doing in a whole year, but I assure you that it isn't!

  • First of all, I have a lot of work for maths, if I want to pass with a first (which I am determined to do with all of my courses this year! Last year I managed getting firsts for German and Linguistics, and lower seconds for Media and English... but no more of that! Firsts all around!)
  • I take singing lessons once a week with Jomari Thorne
  • I am a member of the South African College of Music (SACM) Choir
  • I've just started with the Ballroom and Latin Dancing Society at UCT, which meets every Tuesday and Thursday
  • I attend institute on Tuesday nights
  • I am the first counselor in the ward Primary presidency
  • I teach extra maths and extra accounting to a boy from another ward (and will probably teach maths to another girl from my ward soon, as well)
  • I started a vegetable garden for my dad's birthday, which I am determined to keep going
  • AND I have some sort of social life to keep healthy! :P
So as you can see, my life is pretty hectic... but I enjoy being busy! Anyway, I have another early morning tomorrow for my third day of varsity - as well as a maths test tomorrow evening! Eek!

So, good night my fair friends! I'll try to keep up with my blog :)


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