Sunday 20 March 2011

The vegetable garden

For my dad's birthday, I decided that I would do something a little different: a vegetable garden. We've made a number of attempts in the past... okay, to be honest, he has. I've never really been interested before, so I didn't ever help out with it, which is a large reason why it didn't work out. You can't simply expect one person to do it all by themselves. Especially when that one person is as busy as my dad!

Anyway, it was quite a job! I wish that I had taken photos before and after, but you'll just have to take my word for it when I say that there was a lot of weeding to do! It took me about 6 hours to do all of the weeding (it had been pretty neglected there). Then, we had to take care of the compost. I asked Richard to help me with this. We sifted the compost, and then threw about 3 wheelbarrows full onto the sand. I then mixed all of this in with the sand, so that we had some nutritious soil from which the plants could grow. After my back was just about breaking, I got to take a break while I watered the vegetable patch. Once the soil was all nice and moist, I planted the seeds that I had bought for my dad: carrot, cabbage, beetroot, cauliflower and spring onion.

This was all a month ago.

Yesterday, I went out and did some more weeding in the garden. Luckily it wasn't very much, because Dad had done quite a lot during the week. Anyway, it really looks like a decent vegetable garden now! The plants are growing so nicely. In addition to the many carrots that are sprouting up, and the many beetroot (the cabbage, cauliflower and spring onion all seem to have only had one plant start growing), there are a number of tomato plants, pumpkin plants, and even a potato plant that have begun growing. This is the joy of using compost... there are always a few treats that will come your way! I am really so proud of this garden. It's great seeing something grow from nothing, knowing that you are nurturing it, and that you have put in a lot of effort to keep it healthy.

My next project is to start a herb garden. I still need to decide exactly where to plant the herbs. I have two options, so I want to be sure to choose the best one.

Anyway, I am really grateful that my parents have taught me in the way that they have, so that I can have this experience, and understand more about self-reliance. My parents are really amazing people, and I love them both so much!



  1. I like. Good for you! Nice gift... Congratulations Cindy! Enjoy your part of the project!

  2. Haha thanks! I'm really enjoying it, I just wish I had done something like this earlier!


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