Tuesday 27 May 2014

A new life

So this may come as a shock... but I'm married! I know, right? What??? Well, it was kind of sudden and happened really quickly, but I'm really happy! My husband's name is Dominic Wentzel, and he's the best husband I could ever ask for. Just this morning, I had to stay home from school because I was sick, so he brought me toast, rooibos, medicine and a beanbag, without me even having to ask. He just knows exactly what I need, and he serves willingly. I often tell him that I feel like I don't do enough, but he tells me that I do more than he could ask for. I guess we each need different kinds of things, and we serve each other in our own ways.

Anyway, I love him more than anything, and I am happier than I've been for a while. I look forward to spending eternity with him, and I am so grateful for this Gospel that allows that wonderful gift.


  1. Ahhh sweet Cindy, I am so happy for you! I am coming up for our 1 year anniversary and also feel like I have married the most wonderful man in the world. May you enjoy many happy decades together, growing closer each day and falling even more in love.

  2. Wow Congrats...Wow. This is a huge surprise ...

  3. Thank you, Reeva! I'm glad you're also enjoying it so much! Being married is absolutely amazing.

    Timothy, it happened really quickly... We only knew each other for about 6 months before we got married. But they were an awesome 6 months :)

    And Mom, thank you so much :)

  4. When it's the right person it's the right person. Heavenly Father puts people in our path that will change our lives forever. In your case for eternity.

    The Powrie Clan have had an Eternal impact on my life for which I will be eternally grateful.


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