Sunday 23 January 2011

My hectic day - part 1: Primary

Recently, I was called as the first counselor in the Primary presidency in our ward. I have been
really enjoying it! I learn from all of the children.

One of the things that I've been doing this month is teaching singing time. I'm not actually singing leader, but I was doing it for a bit of a change. So, I woke up at 6:30 yesterday morning to start my day... First thing on the agenda was making song posters for the new song that they've been learning: If I Listen With My Heart. It's a lovely song :)

Next, I had to go to the Primary Quarterly Activity. For their birthdays this year, we decided that we would give them a gift from which they could learn a principle. So, after much thought, we decided that we would buy a bunch of flower pots, and give them to the kids for their birthdays, along with a bag of soil, a seed and a message about faith. So, for the quarterly activity which we had, we decided to let them decorate the pots that they would get for their birthdays. Afterwards, we gave them fruit kebabs for lunch. We had set up the tables outside the kitchen, so that we could keep an eye on them while we were cutting up the fruit. Man, they loved those kebabs!! Definitely a great idea for summer :)

After the activity, I went home and iced the cake for the birthday party we were holding for my mom and my uncle that evening. Literally as soon as I had done icing it, though, I found myself rushing back for Stake Primary Leadership training. It was a great meeting, but it would have been great if it wasn't on the same day as everything else!

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