Friday 21 January 2011

My trip to Joburg

From the 3rd to the 8th of January, I was privileged to go to the Temple with Colleen, Rohan, Ryan and Carina. We all drove up together in Ryan's dad's car, and it was a great deal of fun! I took quite a number of pictures on the way up, but I didn't take very many while I was actually in Joburg, except for the new shoes that I bought.

The sunrise

Once we were in Joburg, we went to Spur on the Monday night (none of us felt like cooking!) and then we went back to the Temple Boarding, where we were staying. Ryan was staying with another family that was close to Westgate Mall, so we went there again the next morning, which is when I bought my new shoes...

A random beaded bird in the gardens of the Temple boarding. I thought it was pretty cool :)

Carina: "It's raining inside!"

While I was there, I was privileged enough to do 3 baptism sessions, which were amazing! I also got to see my aunt, my cousin and my granny. AND I got to go out with all of my friends!! I played Adventure Golf with Sidz, Ayanda and Sheldon, I went rock climbing with Patrick, I went to a YSA get together with Christine, and I tried Thai food for the first time with Fairley! Oh, and I also did missionary experiences at the MTC, which was really fun. And in between all of this, I managed to read Wodehouse's "Thank You, Jeeves" and Georgette Heyer's "Why Shoot a Butler?" which are both very good reads. It was a lot of fun (despite the fact that I was a single amongst two couples ;) ) and I would do it again any day!!

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