Sunday 23 January 2011

My hectic day - part 2: Parties

After I had done all things Primary, I had to rush over to Uncle Ron's house for a birthday party. It's Uncle Ron's birthday today (Happy birthday, Uncle Ron!!!) and my mom's birthday on Friday, so we just had a party for the two of them at the same time. There was swimming, eating and pool... a great time :)

Then, Andrew P. and I had to rush off to get to Candice's house for her birthday party. Her birthday is tomorrow, and we were having a bit of a pre-birthday celebration. We started playing French cricket, and then came inside once the fire was ready to start braaing. It was great seeing everybody again, and I also got to meet one of Candice's accounts friends.

Courtney and me


Kelsey and Chelsea

French cricket

Candice doing the braaing!!!

The speech... it consisted of "Thank you everybody for coming tonight" ;)

Andrew and Claudia

The cake: sparklers and all

Blowing out the candles

Unfortunately, I was so tired that I had to leave a little after 10, or I wouldn't have been able to drive home. I've been sleeping badly for the past month, so I get tired really early. My mom gave me a sleeping tablet though, and for the first time in ages I was able to sleep again! It was amazing :)

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